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The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois • 3

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois • 3

Rock Island, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COMMERCIAL. SPECIAL BUSINESS K0TICES. THE DAILY ARGUS. NOT ALCOHOLIC A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED PREMIUM JOrt Orders for Jos PainTio will meet with prompt attentioc at the Aacct Orrict, and be executed at reasonable rates. istration our taxes have been reduced nearly one-half.

All the bonds yet due the Chicago and Rock Island railroad have been paid. All the old engine debt has been pid. We have some six tbousaud dollars in caali, hand, in the treasury, and evety claim against the city. Tequiring payment, has been met, exept the interest on the bonds given for stock in the Peoria railroad. Mr.

Davenport's policy is, not to pay that until the bondhold PIICKJilX INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONN." I HAVE muck. pleasure in acknowledging the prompt and honorable adjustment ot my late loss, under a policy which I held from the Pho-mx Insurance Company, of Hartford, on my furniture. The agents of the company in this city, Messrs. Gest Hardy, gae me every assistance te ascertain my lose n3 toake out the necessary proof, and to-day they have handed me the full amount of my claim. 1 can therefore recommend the Phsnix Inaurance company to thoie desirous of insuring in a reliable company D.

L. CUNKLE. Rock Island, Feb. 2, 63, fcb4dwlm.T LOCAL AFFAIRS. Saloons to bi Clossb.

See notice vf the city marshal. Justus D. Tatlor i announce! for alderman in the 3d ward. ROCK ISLAND MARKET. A Rock Island, Feb.

24, 1863. The current value cf the articles named below ia subject to changes, but the following quotations are Correct for the date of this report i i Floor Johnston's Spring Double Extra, in bbls, nt wholesale, tl.OO at retail 5 in sacks $5,00 at wholesale, $6,40 at retail. Loose $3,20 wholesale, 5,60 retail. Warner Mills Double Extra White Winter $6,60 Lillian, $5,20, wholesale or retail. Leis Son's DoubUs, Extra Spring, $5,80, wholesale.

Wheat No." I Winter, No. 2, 85a90c, No 1 Spring, 70a80c; No. 2, rejected, 70 cents. 4 Corn 32c 5T Oats 45c. Eggs 10c dox.

Rye 65a70c. Barley it Beans Salt per bar. Sorghum 30u40. Kerosene Wholesale, barrels included, retail 70. Butter -Very choice lots, for, retailing, will S.

-M, PHTrEVCILL COi, YfO. 37, PARK. ROW, New York, and State Street, Boston, are our Agenta for the Daiit asd Wecclt Aaeus, ia those cities, and tre nthoruai to lite Advertisement and Sub-icriptiont for at at ear Lomtst Rates. LIVf PA UTTERS HI P. I lo.

f. J. Wilton DIUIT COOK DRUKY, (Successors of Cook, Dillon Iowa. X7 have formed a partnership for the pratice of Liw, to which we shall devote oar personal attention. Office coraer of Maia and 3rd Street.

COOK DRURY. E. D. SWEENEY, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR AT LAW. i corner of Illinois streets, near the City Scales, Rock Island, Illiudia.

CIIAS. M. OSBORN, TTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Of-r fice ia the Court House. ers will do hs other bondholders have done with other cities, vi reduce the rate of interest.

In this we believe he is correct, and we believe the people think so. We believe his general policy meets the approval of the people, He has a right to be a candidate for reelection, and tlu people have a right to reelect him if they choose. Uniow Convxktioj. We notice -t a posters UECETABtB EXTBaCT. A PURE TONIC.

Docto r. Iloofland't GrERMAiq' Xi X'A-X'-EinjB prepared by DR. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa. will effectually cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Janndice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseaaes of the Kid- ny sad all Diseases arising from disordered Liverw Stomach.

such as "-s Consumption' Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to she head. Acidity of the Stomach, Deu.ea Heartburn, Disgust for Food Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of 4he Stomach, Swimming of the head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Flattering at tne Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skia and Eyes, Paia ia the Side, Back, Chest, Limps, fcc, Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and great depression Coal. We are informed that the price of coal will be 10 cents at the yard or 11 cents delivered. Coal trains will commence running Immediately. Auction.

Mr. Gerstmyer, being aboa to leave for California, will sell, at public auction, at his barber simp, on Wednesday the 4th inst, at 2 o'clock all his household furniture. Terms cash. March 2, 0w2t. on the streets, calling on all who are in favor of the union and a vigorous prosecution of the A CARD TO THE SUFFERING.

The Rev. William Cosgrove, while laboring. aa a missionary in Japan, was cured of con.ump. tion, when all other means had failed by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from consumption, bronchitis, sore throat, coughs and colds, and the debility and nervoua depression caused by these, disorders.

Desirous of benefitting others, I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address, 1 Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Dec. Brooklyn N.

Y. THE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE OF A NERVOUS' INVALID. Published for the benet aad aa a caution to young men, and othera, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Early Decay, and their kindred ailments supplying the means of sellcure. By one who has cured war to meet, to night, at the conrt bouse, at 7J o'clock, to nominate a union candidate for bring 12iac.l9. Poultry Dressed chickens, pe dox.

Dressed turVeys.4a5c per pound. Beef Good beet cattle, live weight, command mayor. We do not know who got up the poster, but it is reported that it was gotten up forjhe purpone of nominating T. J. Rol t2.50a3.C0 Der hundred lbs.

Park. The packers ire paying, tor live hogs, For dressed Potatoes-75c. inson, a member of the secret armed society, of Spirits, and will -positively prevent Yellow Fever, Bilious fever, They contain No Alcohol or Bad Whisky I They will cure the sbove diseases ia ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. Hides Green country, 6cjj green silted, 8c for mayor. What axe has he got to grind Doea he want his ferry charter extended dry salted, 121c; dry Mint, 10c; green can, sc again? himself after being a victim of misplaced confidence in medical humbug and quackery.

By en sheep pelts, Hsy per ton Wood Oak $4,00 to $5,0 a cord; Coal. 14al5c. Highwines 49c. We suggest to the friends of the union to closing a post paia aireciea envelope, single copies may be had ol the author, Nathaniel May- fair, Bedford, Xing, county. New York.

Jan. 24, dweomly. THE SAFEST AND II EST I Coal was selling in St. Louis last week at 43 to 45 cents per buehel by the wagon load, and fifty cents at retail. Wood at $8,00 per cord.

The strike among the miners is the cause of these fearful high rates. Camden BrIdgb all Right. The Camden bridge has been secured so that it is now safe for teams to cross. A drove of fat cattle, and quite a number of teams crossed on Saturday. The mayor deserves thanks for the energy displayed in reopening the grant thorough-to this city.

Ms. Moroak will give his entertainment this evening at Island City Flail which was postponed from Saturday evening on account of the storm. From the notices of the Davenport papers and from conversation with those who heard him there, we are assured that his entertainment is highly deserving of patronage. NEW YORK MARKET. Telegraphed to the Argui 1tw Yonn, Feb.

27. Flour Dull and scarcely so firm. extra state 1 Round Hoop Ohio. REPARATION that can be used upon the J7 Hair for imparting to it a natural shade of brown or black, is CTRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. Wheat Quiet, slightly farors buyers.

It corrects the bad effects of other dyes, nour ishes the hair, is easily applied, performs its work inttantaneoutly and ita presence, to the observer, CHAS. M. HARDY, JTORNEY COUNSELOR AT LAW. TL Office is Bailey Sc. Boyle's building, Rock Island, Ills.

DR. THOMAS GALT, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Residence and office on south side of Illinois street, between Bearer and Otter. W.

S. HIGGINS, M. RESPECTFULLY informs the people that he has removed to 'Camden Mills, and that he will continue the practice of his profession (physician and surgeon) at that place and vicinity. JS- Residence opposite Col. Dickson's.

Jan'y 17, dw3m. CHARLES BUFORD, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR AT LAW, Rock Island, Illinois. j. Office in Charles Baford's Block, Coiner Illinois and Esgle Streets. F.

BIN DIG, CINE BOOT AND SHOE cor- 12 ner Wasnington an'd Illinois streets, oppoeHe Barney's Hotel. All work done in the very best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. ALEX. F. S1VASDER, eOLICE Magistrate and Ex-officio Justice ot the Peace.

Collections made and 'promptly iver. Office ia Bailey Boyle's block op itairs, Rock KELLERSTRASS FRIES, RECTIFIERS and Manufacturers of Domestic Lquors, Importers and Dealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors. Front street, opposite Ferry Landing, Rock Island. 1,62 Chicago spring; 1,63. 1,70, Mil.

Club; 1,76 winter red. Corn Slightly tavors by ers. 96a98c. Whisky Dull and declining. 53i54c.

NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Telegraphed to the Argus. New Yok, Feb. 27. Gold remains an Secret.

Indeed, by the extensive sale and universal popularity of hooftand'a German Bitters, (purely vegetable) hosts of ignorant quacks and unscrupulous adventurers have opened upon suffering humanity the flood-gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whisky, vilely compounded with injurious drugs and christened tonics, stomachics and Bit ters. Beware of the innumerable array of aloo-holic preparations of plethoric bottles and big bellied kegs, nnder the modest appelation oi Bit ters; which, instead of earing, only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer ia dispair. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS I are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test for fifteen years' trial by the American public, and their reputation and sale, sre not rivalled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of letters from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Ihysiciantdb Citizen testifying of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these bit jnns Do You Want Something to Strengthen Yea Do You Want a Good Appetite Do You Want te Build op Your Constitution 1 Do Yon Want to feel well Do You Want to Get Rid of Nervousness Do You Want Energy Do You Want to Sleep Well Do You Want a Brisk and Vigorous feeling If you do, use Uoofland's German Bitters Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, rue York, hold everywhere and applied by all hair dressers.

Price, SO and $3 per box, according to sixe. tcD. CURISTADORO'S HAIR RESTORATIVE is invaluable with his Dye, as It imparts the utmost softners, the most beautiful gloss, and great i Ti CITY ELECTION. Citt Clebk's Orrtcc, Rock Island, Feb. 18, 1863.

Captain Gxorgk Knox, of General Crittenden's staff, in Rosecrans' armv, is on a visit to his father, lion. Joseph Knox, in go in and nominate BaiTey Davenport. No better union man or war man can he found in this city, Let the friends of the union and a vigorous prosecution of the war to crush the rebellion and restore the union go in for Bailey Davenport. It is their bet hold, and unless the object is to make a party issue the caucus to night will nominate Mr. Davenport.

Democratic Pursuant to a previous call, the democracy met in mass convention' in the court house, iu Rock Island, and on motion of Mr." Norris, Wm. Epgles-ton. was called to the chair, and J. S. Kelly chosen secretary.

The object of the meeting was stated by the chair, and on motion the convention proceeded to nominate a candidate for the office of mayor. i Nominations being in order, the following persons were put in nomination for the consideration' of the vi Jacob Fry-singer, B. II. Kimball and Bailey Davenport. Before the vote was takeu.

Mr. Albert withdrew the name of Mr. Davenport. A vote being taiten, Mr. Frysinger was unanimously elected as the choice of the convention.

i I On irft)tion the convention feoIved not nominate a candidate for police magistrate. On motion the following persons were appointed a demociatic central committee for the city of Rock Island: Jacob Norris, Isaac Negus, R. B. Taylor, Joseph Gray and John t' On motion, the convention adjourned." Wm. Eogleston, Chairman.

J. S. Kelly, See'y. Rock. Island, Feb.

28 1863. LIST OF LETTERS vitality to the hair. "XT0TICE. In accordance with an order of Prich 50 cents, $1, and $2 per bottle, according this city. This brare young man, spoken of I the City Council, made at a meeting of the tosixe.

1 Dec. II, daw ly. same, on the 17th I hereby give notice that an election will be held in the city of Rock Island, DR. TOBIAS VENETIAN LINIMENT. cure for pains and aches, and warranted superior to any other.

Croup it positively cures; relief is absolutely sure imme diately alter it is used. Mothers remember this, and arm yourselves with bottle without delay. Croup is a disease which gives no notice, fre PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are meny preparation told under the nam of Bitter, put up in quart bottle, compounded of the cheapest wkitkv or common rum, coitinr from 20 to 40 Craft per gallon, the taste dit gutted bf Aniteor Coriander Seed. Thitclatt of bitter ha quently attacking the child in the dead hour of in these columns before, has been in the service since the beginning of the war and has been through six or eight battles.

Chicago Jonrnal, 28A. Removed. Mr. Wm. T.

Riggs has removed his stock of jewelry to Davenport. There is no jewelry store there of much account no stock at all comparable with that of Mr. Riggs, and. as the most of his trade comes from Daren-port he has concluded to try the erperiment of opening a store lie has some nice goods, and the people over there will find him an honorable and reliable dealer. Lie also do watch cleaning and repairing in the best manner.

lie will continue to reside in Hock Island. March 2d. dlw. J. H.L-SOLEY.

W. B. HABBIS. J.H.L4NGLKY&CO., EXERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchants. Dealers in Salt, Hydraulic Ce- 1 Dnjlr T.l.vrl III caused, and trill continue to cauee, a long as they can be told, hundred to die the death of the drunk on Tuesday the 3d day 01 March, next, lor the purpose of electing One Mayor, lor one 1 One Alderman, in the 1st ward, for two years, One Alderman, in the 2d ward, 'or two years, One Alderman, in the 3d wsrd, do One Alderman, in the 4th ward, do and one Police Magistrate for four years.

The placea for holding ssid election will be as follows 1st Ward, at Wo. Shearer's Store. 2d Ward, at the City Council Room. 3d Ward, at the Rescue Engine House. 4th Ward, at the Ureenbuah Mission School House.

The following sre the judges of election, appointed by the City Council, ix 1st Ward, Wm. Shearer, A. K. Philleo, and M. W.

Conway. 2d Ward, J. M. Buford, Z. Cook and M.

D. Merrill. 3d Ward, J. W. Spencer, J.

D. Taylor and Jas Copp. 4th Ward Jacob Dodge, D.J. Bennett and H. Fitxsimmoos.

E. V. SW ANN, City Clerk. Feb. 19, dwtd.

ard. By their ve the tytttm i kept continually under the influence of alcohol stimulants 0 the tcortt kind, and the detirtfor liquor is created and OBDl, UUllj btBIQ) i T. W. FARRELL, M. night; before a physician can be summoned it may be too late Beuiember, the Venetian Liniment never fails.

Price 25 and 50 cents a Sold by all druggists. Office, Cortlandt Street, New York. Feb. 12, dw3w. IIRANDRETH'S PILLS.

They Cure Dyspepsia, Reduce, Lessen and Expel the Principle ot Disease. DR. THOMAS R. HAZARD, of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, says that twenty seven yeara experience with this medicine, confirms hia belief that in very few cases would the Physi kept up, ana all the horror attendant vpon a drunkard's life and death'. Fr those who ds.ire and will have- a Liquor Rittra- A mi HI 1.

hm f7i 1 1 a i rr Cimt One Ilottle of HoofUnd's German Bitters corner of Market Square, near the City Scales, in the room formerly occupied by Dr. W. F. Cady. Residence come of Rock River and Madison streets.

Da) or night calls in the city or coontry promptly attended to. and mix with Three Q.uarts of Good liraudy cian's services be required if Bratidreth's Pills were promptly used ia the early atagea of or Whisky, and the result will be a preparation that will far Excel in medical virtues and true excellence any of the numetoua Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much leas. You will the Rock Island Post 1863 Livingston Franklin Lawler Mrs Catharine Lundburg Amma Lee Mrs Almira Lee Ssrsh Lewis' Mrs Susan J. Cook, publisher of the Banner," at Bennington, Brandreth'a Pills cured me ot Dyspepsia when every other meana had failed, and I was actually given up by my physi have all the virtues of Uoofland's Bitters in connection with a good article of liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations REMAINIMG in Office, March 1st, Allen Samuel Allen Anderson Hannah A Anderson Emma Anderson Andrew Andrews Capt WED Anderson Swan Advertiser Editor' 1 Barker BakterWmT, Barlow Roxanar Barns A Barry 1 2 Blais Lixiie I cians and friends." 111 cosi you. ATTENTION SOLDIERS! Principal Office, 294, Canal Street, New York.

Sold by P. Beattie, Camden Mills, I. Rich AND THE FR IENDS OF SOLDIERS. ards, Moline, and by all' respectable dealers ia Jan. 24, dwtC Till STEE'S SALE.

DEFAULT having been rnnde in the payment of the four several promissory notes described in a deed of trust executed to tne by Christopher Atkinson and Ann Atkinson, bis wife, dsted February 1st, lb5S, and recorded in the recorder's office of Rock Island county Illinois, ia volume of mortgages, page 625, and the legal holder of said Boles ha vinff maoe application to We call the attention of all having relations or friends ia the army to the fact that HOOF- ITEMS OF INTEREST TO CONSUMP LAND'S German Bitters wilt core nine-tenths Leaks Mrs Linsdom Miss Tabitha Morris Mrs JVm McWise Mrs Moss Ce 3 Moss Mason Rev Wm 2 Murdoch Myers NeUie Moore Mary i Mohr Mary Mullen Mrs Mary 1 Marry Lucinda Morey John TIVES. piIERRV BALSAM, We have heard so 7 much said of the wonderful curative power me to sell the property described in said deed, of Dr. Wiatar's Balsam, in all stages of diseased of. the diseases induced by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the liata, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of.

the sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Hoof-land's Germsn Bitters. Diseaaes resulting from public notice ia hereby given that by virtue of the Dowers and trusts eonfered upon me by said deed lungs, we feel sale in recommending It for generw' al use for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, etc. of trust, William T. Riggs, will sell at publie auction, to the highest bidder, on the 12th dsy of K. HfcJJIfc-.

HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, now prepared, to execute with neatness and dispatch all orders in- the Painting, Glazing, and Paper Hanging Line, and at the most reasonable prices. Call and fire him a trial. CHARLES ROULEY, i ANUFACTUBER of Witrn, Curls, ll Switches, Braids, 131 South Clark Street, CHICAGO. 111. P.

O. Boa 3009. Dee. 10, dw6m. HUSH WABItOCK.

iAJXII H- WARNOCht K.ELI MANUFACTURERS of Soap and Can-JL dies, Rock Island, 111. Cash paid forTal-ow and Grease." JT. FRYSIXGER, RECTIFIER and of Domestic Liquors, and dealer in Foreign Wines and Liquors, Palace Row, Illinois street, Rock Island MICHAEL LIEBERK.NECHT, 'PAILOR. Garments made; in the latest style and best manner, and warranted lo St. particular attention given to cutting garments lor customers.

All work done, in accordance with the times and at reasenble prices. Shop on Illinois street, opp. the Rock Island House. 1 A' Remedy that Cures When laboring un March, at 1U o'clock, A. at the nortn door of the court house, in the city of Rock Is-In ml Ills for fash in hand to nil said notes, the if der any disease of the throat and lungs, rest as sured that speedy relief csn be obtained Dy using disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed.

We have ne hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters were freely need among our aoldiers, hundreds of might be saved that otherwise will be lost. Mills Oscar Wangle James Nissen Theodore Nelson Elen Olena Olsea Oaborn Harriet James E. Murdoch at Metropolitan Hall To-Morrow. This eminent tragedian will give an entertainment at Metropolitan Hall, Davenport, on Tuesxfay evening. As an elocutionist Mr.

Murdoch has few equals. After appearing successfully before the publio for a number of years as a "star actor," he has renounced' the stage and now confines himself to readings and recitations of choice dramatic and poetic selections, fur which his talant eminently qualifies him. He appears one evening only. Those wishing reserved seats can secure them af the hall during the day. Tax Ls Claire Boat are two boats now on the ways at LeClaire undergoing repairs the War Eagle and the A goodly number of mechanics are now employed on the boaU.and it is expected more will be needed in a lew weeks, as several boats are expected for repairs.

Last week the company owning the yard raised the wages of their employees about twenty-five cents per day, without a strike. This yard is xtow under the management of Mr. Vansant, of this city, one of the best ship builders and repairers on the river. The river has been all clear of cv at Lfl Claire and up to Princeton since Thursday Dr. Wistar's Balsam or Wild Cherry, its suc several lota and parcels of land described in said deed ot trust, and all the right and equity of redemption 01 the said Atkinson and wife therein, cess in such cases is unparalleled.

We call particular attention to the following Barnett Beck John Bowers Jno Brick John Brown Brown Isaac Blade) John Black Joha.ij': Beals James Brown John Berg6eld Friti Babbit Erastus I items Fletcher Blake 8 Brown II Burna Catharine Birdaall Rlock fc BaughA Coplin Tryposa Ann Cullinam Thorn Cunningham Stephen Colralle Peter Cahill Patrick Wiatar's Wild Cherry Balsam, a scientific combination of the active principle ia the Wild Cherry Bark and Tar, is doiig wonders in 'the way of alleviating all lung diseases. It seems te cure those obstinate cases that nothing else 'will which lots and parcels ol land are known and described ss the east half of the north half of the west half of the north eighty-eight acres, ar.d the north halt of the south half of the west halt of the north eighty-eight acrea jt the northeast quarter of sertion one, (1) in township seventeen, (17) north of range two, (2) west of the 4th prin cipal meridian also lots one, (1) two, (2) tree, 3) four, (4) five, (5) six, (6) seven, (7) eight, (8) nine (9) and ten. (10) in Dariua F. Kinney's addi Oldham Charles Ostronder Mrs A Patterson John Picket Prnden A Parmenters Loreuso riummer OPS Peterson Pluuk Jane Prascott Patterson John remarkable and well authenticated cure of one ot the nation's herois, whose life, to use his own language, haa been aaved by the Bitters 1 Philadelphia, August 23d, 1362. Mesnt.

Jones 4 Evan Well, gentlemen, your Hoorland's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by number ff my comrades, some of whose name, are appended, and who were fully cognisant of all the circum.tances of my case. I am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Captain R. B.

Avert. Throaih reach. Do not Neglect a Cough, however slight. It is hsrdly excusable, when a simple remedy, like WstaHs Wild Cherry Balsam is within your reach. Ton is in nearly all effectual.

No family should he without it. Hold by all druggists. i H. SCOV1L, Proprietor Feb'y tion of outlotsto the city of Rock Island, Illinois, ISLAND CITY HOTEL, Phillips fecher Wm Mil all situate in the city and county ot Kock. island Illinois.

On the completion of, said sale a deed or deeds will be made 'trnhtf purchaker'or purchasers in Cole C. H. SMITH. i PROFRIKTUK. Cor.lllin.oit andJeferton Back Uland, pursuance to this stipulations of said deed of trust.

ed to and from the cars win. i. Kiiiiis, Rock Island; Feb. 27th, 1863, dlOt. A CARD TO THE LADIES.

DuDoncoY Golden Passe ng ers convev tree of charge, 1 last. SCHOOL BOOKS. FOR FEMALES. COMPLETE STOCK just received at WARREN'S. lnfaUibU in rtguUUing and re "A September ILL, OX Porter Wm Quillen CGS 4 Robbey Miss Mary Reckman Mrs Maria Rane Lcuis Rush Ryan Robley Richmond Elixa Richard Edmond Rolander CJ Rooney Mrs i Ritchie Mn 4ary Shaw Vexer Skinner Lemuel Stewart William 1 'Stearns Palmer Slevin Saxten 8 Smith Summers Col SPW Sloan Mattie -3 Shaw James Sard i van James' 1 Steffin Jacob Suggett Miss i Stapp Mra Elixa Sisson Benj Shehan Daniel Searls 2 Spear Mrs Samuelson Mr 2, Wilson i Robert WAGON MANUFACTORY.

CHURCUILL SWElNEYI HP HE undersiene4 have purchased the stand 1 lately owned by N. Failing, on Esgle street; Rock Island, where they will continue the Wagon and Carriage buainess, in all its various branches, They are prepared to do anything ia their line cheap, on the shortest notice and ia the best manner. Repa.rmg of Buggiea, Carriages, and everything else, attended have commenced business with a determination to do their work well, and to the entire satisfaction of their patrona. They feel assured that they can please any who may favor them with their custom, vi i. I Ctatrs Chdbcmill, W.

L- Rock Island, Feb'y 21, 1863 Chapman Mrs James Colburn Cable-Mr John Coulter Jacob CassinXra Jane Cline Franklin Clippingerfc Himea Creery Mrs Hsttie Crandal Hellen Daughety Cornelius Donelan Rev DosUl John DarisMUsSEv Donaldson Thoa Esener Miss Rachel Evans David Fogo Wm Farley Mrs Mary Fralig Lena 7 Frick Mrs Julin FiUpatrick Batt Griffiin Sarah Jane Garvin Sarah Green Mrs Green Miss Gheer Ginty Miss Ellen Gray EeV. Gellman Mrs Hoot Hall Hubbs John 1 Heelen Lawrence Hill Louisa, 'diclP. Herman Louis Hsu nan Alary Harper Maggie Hoon 'Stewart Picture Frames I Ivn 'oirrrijr'pilMPV. Citt Elxctiox.

To morrow is our annual election fop city officers. The. places for voting are named in an advertisement in this paper. The people will then exercise their right to vote for whoever they please, without any regard to cliques of played-out office seek ers, or-men who have axes to grind, ''0 cau-casses, or dictation, from anybody. -Let no person allow any other person td even question him as to how he shall vote, or how he has voted It is none of their business.

Let all such impertinence be rebuked as it deserves. A free man is responsible only to his own conscience for the manners he "exercises hia right of suffrage. When can exercise our right to vote for who we please without asking some other man's leave or incurring his censure, or being inflicted with the exposure attended upon my arduous duties, I was attacked ia November last with inflamation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days In the hospital, This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House, and tent to this city on board the steamer State of Maine, from which I landed on the 28th of June. Sines that time I have been about at low aa any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality.

For a week or more 1 was scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down it wat immediately thrown up again. 1 could uot keeps glass of water on my stomach. Life could sot laat under these circam-stance, and, accordingly, the phyaicians who had been working faithfully, though Unsuccessfully, to rescue me the grvtp of the dresd Archer, frankly told me they could do ao more fbt me, and advised me to See a clergyman, aad to make such disposition of my limited funds as beet suited me. An acqnaintance who visited me at the hespita), Mr. Frederick Steiabroa, of Sixth below Arch street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured me a bottle.

From the time 1 commenced taking them the gloomy shadow ot death receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting belter. Though 1 have taken but two bottles, I have gained tea pounds, and 1 feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen monthsf for," gentlemen am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Freat Royal. To your Invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life which hat taken the place of vague tears to voor Bitters' will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosr-m those who are dearest to SM in lil'ss Very truly yours, A ISAAC MA LONE, We fully concur in the truth of the above state-meat, as we had despaired of teeing our comrade, Mr. Melons, rest to. health I JohnCuddleback, 1st New York Battery, G.

A. Ackley.Co. ilta Maine, L. Chevalier, Pld N.Y, I. E.

Spencer, 1st Art'y Bat'y J. B. Farewell, Co. 3d VU, H. B.

Jerome, Co. H. T. McDonald, Co. 6th J.

F.Ward, Co. 6th H. Koch, Co. 7 2d N. N.

B. Thomas, Ce. 93th A. J. Kimball, Co.

A 3d Vt. of every description, on hand and made to order. for Ambrotypeand Photographs, of all varieties, cheaper than everl OLD FRAMES (jid Paintings Cleaned, repaired and varnished 'so as to give perfect satisfaction. a. Shopia Thomas Plttmmer' Mw block, up stairs.

SOLDIERS' CLAIMS. moving all obstructions, from what' ever cause, and always sue- I'll ft nn y-fj cessful as a preventative. The combination of ingredients in'Dr. Dbpeoeo's Goiden. Pills are perfectly They have been Ud in the private prtctice of old Dr.

Du ponco for over thirty years, and thousands of la-dies can testify to their great and sever failing success in almost every case, in correcting irregularities, removing painful and distressing menstruations, particularly at thechange.of lito.From to 10 pills will cure thst yet dreadful complaint, the whites. Nearly every female in the land suffers from this complaint. The, above pill has 'permanently cored thousands and will cure you it you use them. They csnnot harm you, on the contrary, they remove all obstructions, restore nature to ita proper channel, and inrigor-ate the whele system, Ladies whose health will not' permit au increase of family will find these pills a successful preventative. Preg nant females, or those snppoisng themselves so, are rautioned againat using these pills while in that -condition, lest they invite miscarriage', tfter'Which 'admonition the proprietor assumes no responsibility although the mildness o' the pills will do no injury te health.

N. B. Tho ingredietits compoting the genuine pill are made known to every agent; and they will tell you the pills are free from anything injurious and yet will do all claimed for them. Full and explicit explanation, accompany each box. Price $1,00 per box.

Sold by i City Druf Store, Corner Illinoi. aud Eagle iock ISLAND, sole agent lor Rock hland County Illinoi. Ladies, by sending the above agec $1,00 'through the rlock laland Post Office, can have the pills aent confidentially) by mail to any part of the eountry, free of posuge, nLmk out tor counterfeits I Ruv 1 no his praise, we will own 'ourselves at Thomas Maggie iThompson Mary Towle rPIIE ondersigtied having correepondeniaio WASHINGTON who have for a long time been officially connected with the Government, and having all the' 1 NECESSARY iyCHMS APPROVED by -the proper department, is now prepared to pro curs a speedy and satisfactory adjustment af all claims" aKaunt the government. lUUIUpiUB UCU Hitcbcook Melissa Jane Turner Edwin yiam Samuel Huntly $100 Bouuty Money and Back Pay WILUAM JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Bailey Boyle's block.

Collections earefu41y; attended to aad proceeds promptly paid over. THI COLLECTION -ftj-rj TjV Ttl 01 t. soldiers CLAIMS BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSI0NS1 saccessfully prosecuted. aiiiarncn: i'.) Hay Peter Hanson Mrs Peter JieeiyMrs Patrick Hunt PW Mrs Holley Harriogton Mra Higginson Wm Irien Mr Johnson John Jones Jason Jones George Johnston Elizabeth Jones Dick Jordan "Jarvis Charles Jack Mrs Johnson A Kerr.W Kane Jane Knap Tbos Kask John KingCbas Willcox Wm Warren Wm i 1 1 WUlsoa 8 I i .2 Warner Nelson 'Walker White Mrs Martha Wagner Mrs Lnsy Woodbury Wilson Lydia Won m-. Warren White Joseph II Woodward James Wells John Wornecker Wallace Mm A Walknp A Wooda Francis Whitman 7 Williams MiaaAgusta Bft "Wright Miss Abby -Wager Carolina, once, and unfit to be freemen.

Out upon the street corner, played-out politician who attempt to dictate to freemen how they shall rote! A Falsx Report. Enemies of out excellent mayor have started a story that he is not a candidate for re election." It is simply an invention of the For more a "month it hM teen well understood that Mr. Davenport would, if the people desired be a candidate for reelection. After repeated requests from the people generally, be con ented to run, and his name, was "properly an-jwaneedU Those who know him 11 know Tery well that he is a fean who does not change bis mind with every wind that blows. Ono satisfied that he is right, he doe not change.

He has been a candidate for some weeks, and be will continue to be a candidate until the boxes close to-morrow, night-; has been mayor for two years, and has given very general satisfaction. Under his admin Golden Pills of any kind nnlesa every box Is siga-J INVALID PENSIONS, (whole or in part.) JMC'JC rJkX And sf BOUNTY MOttKV1 forMitcharged soldiers. if PENSIOXS FOR WIDOWS, Ac. -i, LNo charge is made unless the amount is Collected. aeriaiRCEif s4i Hon.

Ira O. Wilkinson, R. T. Wells, Esq. J.

W.Drury,. William Bailey, JBailey Davenport, H. KinibaU, Geo. Pleasants, Joseph Conet, -t E. D.

SWEENEY, Attorney and Counselor atc Law. Office Corner of Eagle and Illinois atreeta, Rock Island, 111. 1 PLASTER PARIS, R0SIS and WINDOW 1 GLASS. A or i Rosin, Plaster Paria ii; aaa Window Glass for sale at Clscius' Cty Drag store, Rock Island. BEWARE OF C0UX2EBFE11S1 See that the 'signature of M.JACKSON," it on the WRAPh-R of each bottle.

Price per bottle or hal dot', for ,4,00 Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any ot the intoxicating preparations, but tend to ua, aad we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, '( No. 631, Arch, fit. JONES EVANS, (Suc'rt to CM. Jackson Co.) Proprietors.

For tale by Druggists and Dealers ia every towa In the United States. Deet S.dwly. Hon. Ir. O.

Wilkinson, A. k. T. Shaw, John W.Drury,, Dimock fc Gould, B'k'e ALL BUSINESS AND E0FESSI0N AL MEN Bhoold Advertise in the Argus. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONlL MEN Should Advertise ia the Argus.

ALL AND, PROFESSIONAL MEN Should Advertise ia the Arjfu. TO GET JOB PBIXTIVa DONE CHEAP, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET JOB PRINTINC DONE CHEAP, Call at the Areus Office. TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE CHEAP, a a Call at the Argaa Office. ed Si U.

MOWS. jm. mu iiapuiiuu.i aad nnselei therefore as vou value your lives and health, to say nothing being humbugged ont el your money, buy only of those who show the signatures of 8. D. Howe on every box, which hs recently been adred, on account of the pills being counterfeited.

j- -i Sold also by Lord it Smith, Chicago, E. S. Davenport, Iowa, and by one druggist in every village tnd city ia the United itates. 's' 8. D.

HOVVJC, Oct.20,dwly. Sole Proprietor, New York. Lettig John Lendrum George Persons ealling lor letters ia the above list will please say Advertised." TRUESDALE, P. M..

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