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The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois • 2

The Rock Island Argus from Rock Island, Illinois • 2

Rock Island, Illinois
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The Difference Between French and Amer Naval Salaries. Ya TELE GRAPH ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. NEWS JOTTINGS. -Governor Seymour of New York, is on and if you now prefer to build up a factory ope hundred miles off, instead of aiding your leut gufrcrtkfmcttt From a Senate document the following in ican Brandy. The Chester County lcPa.y is responsi formation is derived, as to tho amount of salaries to the officers and attaches of the Amer the stump in Minnesota.

neighbor to build one at your own door, all acroBTED FOk THailCl'l. ble for the following OFFICIAL CITY, COtJITTY AMD 0T Ortlct PAPEB. CO PA UT iEIJ SHI 1. General the present Attorney A gentlemjn of our aoquaintance wished to ican and the clerks, in the department and its bureaus-: i for tho sake of a beggarly difference in price, you will always be dependent on the distant manufacturer you will always be paying it General of Missouri, has been elected by the purchase some; good brandy Id' be used in sickness, iand called on. an wCrerman liquor i We go where Democratic Principle lead the when they disappear we cease to follow.

VV'u da7 associated jV, oar busing maritacturers h.lw 1 Secretary of tlie NaTy. I $8,000 14 fcc. 21.000 people of that state to the office of supreme of Plow. 9 Clerks Bureau of Yards, and 14,940 dealer Whsp. thKfollowing dialogue ensued udge.

toll on the wheat you 'send ta him and tie article you get in return, you will always be contributing to the value of his real estate, X. DASrORTH, KDITOB. v- LITER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of thVcity of Washington. New Yorsl, Aug.

30. The City of Washington arrived last night. Gee at BritAis. Lord Jno. Russell, stated in response to questions, that he had not received any official information which, altered 11 Equipment, 17,140 7 Provisions Clothing 11,740 'nave you any imported brandy, genuine Hon.

Robert C. Winth'rop has left Lon Btuff?" 7 Ord'eck Hydrography 11,740 The Amors has the latest Circulation of ducted der tha- Erm a.d vl, of Buford" COi BLTORDtTATf'' Thaniful for the patronage bestowed on theU firm, we hope, by our increased feciiuies, to a continuance of the same. BtTPORD, TATE 4: CO. Boet Wand, Aug. 13, don en route for Switserland.

will not return home until the spring. while he will contribute nothing to the value Very goot brandy. Come and trink some any paper in Northern Illinois out of Chicago. Ad vertisers please note this. of yours, you will always be putting him in I claret punch dat ish goot, too, ven de wedder ishhpt." i 1 6 Medicine Surgery 8,940 31 Captains, Active 335,000 20 Reserved 49,500 16 Active i 803,500 17 Reserved List 28,800 "A little son of Hugh Hale, in Kane Ithe character of the statement he had already xo, uiau you, 1 wans a mne 'oranay for a sick man." CITY OP ROCK ISLAND.

maue, wiui repect to the intentions or France adAustria SsmModmaud county, a few days ago, was caught in the harness of a horse ust unhitched ixsm. thrashing machine, and kicked to death. 338 Lieutenants, Active List 474.450 -3C" Reserved Llstr.t: Tuscany. August 31. Wednesday from Germany -peen here.

see him not pefore, for many years. Wejpn trinking de say information hem received -Marshall Potter is now being tried at as to the reported proclamation' of the republicans in Parma, as announced in Vienna Bangor, Maine, for the murder of his mother Unfriendly legislation. puncn. Come and tell me about the brandy. I want a little of the best itf market." and three brothers.

journafenK'r' I. Mitt THOSE who hold that the territorial legislature cannot pas a law prohibiting slavery, admit that unless the territorial lecwlature pas 23,283 41 Passed Assistant (- 42,025 39 Assistant Surgeons. 35,550 64 Pursers. 137.800 24 12 Profesiors of Mathematics. I 16,900 20 Masters in line, of promotion, Active 19,750 1 Beserred 750 10 Masters not in line of promotion, L.

9250 2 Passed Midshipmen, Reserved List. 12,00 1 Midshipman, not a graduate 300 47 Midshipmen, graduates Naval Academy 18,000 The old gentleman was a little mellow, The London Field says it is calculated just enough to make him talkative and the; The olaoial investigation into the loss of the steamship Argo, hadterminated. The dicission will'not be mMepublio until it was comraunicated to the hoa rd of trade, ilf lwas lawa for its protection, slavery will no go there. in the Ring that Mr, Ten Broeck is a richer visit 01 Ins iriend had so warmed his sympa a position tojestablith prices bom of plows and wheat, detracting in the same ratio -from your influence on that vital topic? Itis not a question of the difference in price between two single plows that should influeuce you, but the weightier matter of these considerations which are to effect you and your children for all time. And the longer you postpone the adoption of this policy, tie "more formidable will become the difficulties which stand in the way of its adoption now." In nine cases out of ton this line of argument would induce "any candid man wlio felt that his interests in the community were for tone year, but for a life-time, to patronize his neighbors to encourage homo interests, shops, stores and mills, and do all in his power to make itlan object for strangers to settle here.

maa by .40,000 than be was when he landed inereiore, practically, majuruj pu 'reareaented in the territorial legislature, decides thies as to make him'communicative. understood, that the assessors give on those hospitable shores in 2857. 1 "Now, my vriend you vants goot prandy, it as their eplnioa that tlie loss of the ship did FAIIXESTOCK'S DEAD SHOT. -Deputy under 1 instructions 7,000 20 Acting MHishtpmen, 1st class. and I sells you gootpranty.

Dare ish some I pought in New York, and dat ish sheap the Whether they decide it by prohibit- ing it, according to the one doctriue, or by refusing to pass lair to protect it, as contended for by the i other party, is immaterial. The majority of the people, by the action of the territorial legislature, will decide the question and all must abide the not arise trom any wiiiul act on the part pi the captain, but tha it was grave omission OH 1 Oh I have it now in ray What a fool I was; I thought it 1 hi. I Dare ish some iiat I limpor ted 'from ranee, and dat ish verra goot, too." of the Department, are making note of free matter passing through their several offices, with a view to report what would be the revenue thereof if subjected to present postage decision when made. HOWELL COBB. "Via you say you made that lot yourselt by him ia not Iiaving stowed his vessel on the coming on of the fog.

This finding ia be aocompanied with a recommendation of the cae to the consideration of the board. other harmless stuff, but I was sadly mistaken, (v! dose of Fahnestock's Dead Shot has floored at! last." This valuable preparation is a sure erwjl minator of all troublesome uuects, suck as lu I makes and Yvarranis dat. 9,800 19,600 28,700 31,850 35,000 41,300 31,950 37,700 32,100 13,200 37,000 28 2d 56 3d clas 83 4th 40 Boatswains 44 48 Carpenters -41 Sail makers. 21 Chief 33 First Asttistant Engineers 23 Second Assistant Engineers C3 Third Assistant' Engineers rates, Coneress appropriates three-fourths of BEGIN AT IIOMK. Tlie Liverpool Alhion, in announcing Mr.

It ish made ot de verra best whiskey. "Whiskey I don't want any of your infernal eoueoetions made of whiskey and called brandy." Whykes prrnected deimrture for the Isthmus a million of dollars to satisfy this service of The prosperity arid growth of Rock Isl- and, so much desired by all, depends upon iU the mails but it is held at the Department that a much larger sum is required. The new York Times makes the somewhat (uld gentleman, solemnly,) "It is all made by the leaving Southattrpton on the 7th of August, says, unless Mr. be Crippled in his actions by the secret, despatches his countrymen may expect to see present population, the people who are here startling announcement that the state of 7iov, the men we meet in the the of whiskey, my vriend, and dat ish de reason yy de Trench prandy ia not so goot as goot 1,492 Total For aaie at FAHA'ESTOCK'S Family Dmg Suit i UUaois sL, next door to Moss' Dry Goods Store IAST CIIaVCeJTT fTEIXG determined lo oK the debts' of J) H. A.

PORTER BRO. as speedily great inducements will be offered to purely ers. Please read the advertisempats below. C.B. AINSWORTH, if The Somerville (Tenn.) Democrat, edited New York, last year, there were relieved by Thus ciyes.

us a total of about and a by Col. Whitmore, a newly elected member of American prandy. rio prandy ish distilled some practical evidence or which, while respecting th right of. Central fcjiops nnu toe is tores, ana ma men who own tlie soil. Upon them rests the responsibility the legislature, has come out for Judge Doug half millions, tolje divided imong -nearly fifteen hundred employees, and were their sala America ana assisting in tne ueveiopmeni oi from wine any more it is not possible to; make it sheap tmough for dis market from wine and de American pepl do mat like de of accelerating or retarding the growth of public alms one in every thirteen of the entire population or, in other words, about eight per cent of the population are paupers, either wholly or partially supported at the public free routes of transit, and shall at the same las, on the ground of his being the strongest man in the country, and the favoriijs of the Rock Island.

If any, of our people in the maintain jthe riehts of Her Malestv and ries equal, it would allow only about to each individual. When we recollect, however, that the Secretary has and the heads of bureaus and most of the Supervi reai pranay uecaase- aay are tioe U3ea 10 it." TYTALTj PAPER. Cheap Glazed TV all ft. A per, at Satin Pi'ui Tennesee democracy. her subjects, in this hitherto neglected but important corner in the Queen's dominions.

city, or in the country adjacent, have an idea that, some great and sudden improvement in charge. This is far in excess, of the propor Did you sav that French brandv is not so In New York, twenty years ago, every Qneen Victoria had been on a three'days sor's officers have over $3,000, and several of tion elsewhere, even in European countries, husiriesa will take place, by and by, without the latter it will be perceived that, promeuader resorted to the Battery now the and the limes thinks it a strange and start an effort on their part, they are mistaken. If good as our own manufacture We import some brandy from France, do we not 'Qh, we import plenty ot pranty4o bleasb de Weh peoples, butit ish not goot. JxtVraiifce when we get down to the inferior grades, the cruise in the KOyal among the Channel Island's. She landed at Jersey, Oud and Guemsley, receiving an enthusiastic welcome Battery has been abandoned to the Pbilis at Krc.

OlUi I'apers, at and withootrwui i to cost. C. R. A1SS WORTH, Assignee. i At Prter Book Sum.

TWO good second hand PIANOS at tieai bargain. Prices, from $100 to $150 each, ei4 R. ALNS WORTH, Assign. they wish the business of the city to brighten tine? and all the promenaders go to the ling fact. It says that few persons are proba ble prepared to hear or believe "That at this moment in New York, pau amounts must necessarily be small.

Those officers of the navy who perform the arduous duties, and whose lives are continually expo Central Park, which ia six miles further north, de prandy ish made of potato whiskey and dat is not so eoot as de corn whiskey what we Tip, they must make an effort to that end; if they wish for. returning prosperity, they No fact more strikingly illustrates the remark sea to climate changes as well as the dancers perisni is far more formidable in amount, and 7 2 J. 1 i makes into prandy here! HAIR BBUSIIES. A larger stock thi can be found elsewhere in tim, and at Itm VA 1J TV Jl A. CU-1A HiU 1U piUUUUUi 11," ably rapid growth.of the metropolis.

of ocean navigation, really raeeive.but niggardly pittance. At the same time these po tne means it lar less araimam, than in Ireland itself that desolated Ireland, "God made the country, but man made the The Washington Constitution commences The next Electoral College, if Kansas iivm flnf Ir oath a imlnerii 1 tmh. whose name has become synonymous with prices. IT you need a Hair Brush, give us a rat Prices from 20c. upwards at Porter's old stand, i C.

R. AIXS WORTH, Assignee. an elaborate 'paper on the subject of non-in sitions render it essential that they shall in-cur frequent heavy draws on their purses, in should be admitted at the approaching ses suffering, destitution and national paralysis. vention by congress with slavery in the terri order to maintain the standing and dignity of Yet such is the simple truth a truth not to buii, attracts population, ana reai numuers of people men, women and children, make sion of congress, will consist of 306 members, the service at home and abroad tories, as sio-nt'i PORT 3I0NAIES cheap; from 15c. up wank C.

R. A INS WORTH, Assignee. at each place. Capt. tho ship Jno.

Fife, arrived ak Glasgow, fend G. Baimo, diief mate, were under arrest for having shot dead a seaman, named McArthur. Capt. P. is said to have fired a pistol at MeArthur, after having been thwarted in an attempt to strike him with a handspike.

-V LATEST BY TELEGRAril, Wednesday noon. A proposal has been made on of Mr. Sever, to charter the Great Eastern for a vayage out and home, from some port in Great Britain, to some port in North America. The terms offered are 20,000, the vessel to be provided with accommodations' for 2000 passengers and steam 14 knots an hour on her trial trip. 154 of which will be nccssary to a choice.

The the town. Whatever can be done to call them non-slaveholding states will have 186 electors, be mended by blinking at its reality, ana worthy of the gravest consideration of every loyal citizen. In other words, the pauperism of New Yerk, as published officially Ex-President Pierce. There is no portion of the democratic creed to which all sections of the party are TTinrfl nrilAmnlir 1 il 1 nnr! 1 .11 1 and the slaveholding states 120. Colonel Fuller, in his SjHtrls 'from a Loco here and keep them here, is plainly for the interest of the property-holders to do.

Whatever tends to discourage them from coming here, or to drive away those who are already than that which prohibits interference by. con motive, thus speaks of Ex-President Pierce Nathaniel Ames, of Dane county, aged 98 to the world, remains, alter the most deductions made for hypothetical mistakes, But of all the strangers of distinction in years, is the only revolutionary soldier resid gress with slavery in state and territory, and the district of Columbia. more than one per cent, in advance of that of here, is plainly an iniury to the town. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. If you ra a Guitar, Violin, Flute, Aceprdeon, or ttj other instrument, please examine our stock, a will be sold without regard to price.

aul7-twU C. R. A1KSWORTH, Asig. -l; "iy OVFRID IV, THE 12TH OF AUGTSt. 'i V.

i.jr DEV0E CEAMPTOS ing in the state of Wisconsin now upon the Rome, none is more courted or more respected than our much-abused Ex-President Frank Lngland and ales more than two per cent, -w tf rolls of the Pension Office. A county like ours, seventy miles long, Iy-ftn advance of that of Scotland, and more than lin Pierce. Modest, affable and courteous, five per cept. in advonce of that of Ireland. everybody is seeking his society with as much A short time ago the clothes ot a man ing on the river, and varying from six to twelve miles wide, with a steamboat landing This policy was adopted after years of exhausting ana profitless agitation; "was accepted as final, and by none was it more strongly urged or more readily assented to, than by tht South.

If we look back to the records (f congress and read the speeches Of" chosen of the South the most renowned and eagerness, as he avoids publicity. He refuses The Jlilwaukee Wisconsin has no doubt were found near the river at Buffalo. Some of the garments were marked "John' A. Mo- all envitations, except it be to join a few The official correspondence relative to the conveyance of the North American mails was published yesterday. Fraxce On Sunday, a grand banquet was given by the Emperor to the principal rhiefs in the army.

About three hundred that the crop of Spring wheat now harvested American and then fur instance at a "cod in that State is larger than; in any former fish dinner" at Harry Stoifs-we find him the most entertaining and tho most agreeable of year. It estimates the amount at 14,000,000 Clung," but nobody of that name was known in the neighborhood. It has just been discovered that the Rev. Dr. McClung, of Mays- uncompromising advocates of Southern rights if we look back to the course taken by Calhoun and Berrien, and other distinguished companions.

He will leave soon for England, bushels, and allowing 4,000,000 bushel for persons were invited. At the flow of the banquet, the Emperor spoke as follows Gentlemen The joy I experience at find which he has never visited, and where he will find it difficult to avoid all the houors that consumption, there will be bush Southern' statesmen, when the slavery ques ville, was there about that time, in ill-health, 'and it is supposed that he has 1 been drowned. Dr. McClnne was aboutfiftyi years await htm. I see some of the American pa els for export.

The Wisconsin does not anticipate high prices, but claims that the en- tion was most notiy aiscuswa we nua that they recommended 'two-action' by congress in the territorieb as the only true ixdicy, and REMOVED to No. 6 East Illinois stref the building formerly occupied as the Post Otfira, TWO DOORS WEST of their eld Bland where thoy will be happy to ttt their old friends and the public generally. Stop is js and examine oar stock, which will be the inoat incomplete in town. aul241 Oraitcl DISTRIBUTION OF JEWELRY 'AT ROCK ISLAND, When the We Afffr cellent quality of the wheat will create a de old, and of considerable reputation as tho only effectual means by which tho ques ing myself again with most 01 the chief of the army of Italy, would be complete if it were not tinged with regret, to behold soon the dissolution of a force f-o well rgani7.ed and formidable. As a Sovereign and commander in chief, I thank you again for your confidence.

It vftui flattering to me, who had never mand for it among millers. It urges- wheat Presbyterian clergyman. He was the son tion could be safely settled in the interest of the Rnmn, and that they demanded no law a celebrated jurist in the early annalsof Ken raisers to clean their wheat carefully, and advises them "to send their 4 crops forward to (ire (hem dm tucky, and his mother was a sister of Chief commanded an army, to find eo much obedi pers are urging GeneraF Pierce's name a3 a candidate for the next presidential term, but it is utterly useless. Nothing can induce him to accept a second nomination, nor a public Office of any Notwitli.tand'm my own official head wes one of the first to roll into the bushel under, General Pierce's f4minis-tratioti, yet I cannot forbear saying, in all sincerity and truth, that I would sum up his biography in these brief words 'He was a brave General, a patriotie President, an honeot man. His enemies found it easy to abuse, but impossible to impeach Tins principle of non-intervention is the very Liim of the compromise measures of 1850, before December.

Gen. Houston, in a speech at Nacogdoches, SHARES, 2 OO. and of the Hansas-Nebmsk; bill was adopted unanimously by the Cincinnati convention, and was incorporated into the platform fran.el every ten miles, cannot be expected to have a common centre for all its business. And to expect a large and flourishing town, here, depending wholly upon an agricultural community for its support, is to expect what will never be-realized. Rock Island must, therefore, become the centre of a largo- manufacturing population, or her growth must he small.

The natural advantages of this place and vicinity for manufactures of many kinds, are very apparent. The unrivalled water-power on both sides of us, and the inexhaustible beds of coal all around us, furnish the means of propelling economically the- machinery of innumerable mills. In all of our coal mines is found a superior clay for the manufacture tf the finest pottery-ware, and sand suitable for the manufacture of glass. Vast ties of lead, produced near us, can be floated here by the river, at a nominal price, and manufactured into white-lead for paint. From the forests of Wisconsin and Minnesota the iame river brings be manufactured into the thousand articles required by an increasing civilization.

The same river fur-nihes cheap transportation to us for the raw cotton hemp, and other productions of the ustice 3Iarshnll. He was educated for the ministry afterwards studied law and became a politician, and then resumed his profession as a clergyman, preaching at Louisville, at Indianapolis, and at Maysville, near which durina the late campaign, declared himself a ence on the part of men who had great experience in warfare. If success, haa crowned our efforts, I am happy to attribute the greatest part of it to the skiilfiJ and devoted generals who rendered my cftnmand so easy, because animated with a sacred fire. You have democrat of the "old school," and, further by that body "as the only sound and sate solu more, an "old fogy," because he clung to the tiod ot the slavery primitive principle upon which tho government was formed. lie was opposed to know- necessarily given an example of duty and of A despatch from Indiana announces the pbace he was born, lie was a brother of Col McClung of Mississippi, And a cousin of R.

of this nothingism. lie abandoned that order in leoo, death of the Hon. John W. Davis. Mr and now believes that it could never accom Seven Sisters of Mercy left Chicago last Davis was a Pennsylvaaian by birth, and was successively a member of congress, minister pliwh any good.

lie supported Mr. Buchanan; he believed tlie President was an honest man disregard ot death, ana a portion ot our soldiers are about to return to their homes, yourselves are about to resume the occupations of peace, nevertheless, do not. forget what we have done together. Let the remembrance of obstacles overeomeof dangers lauded, of imperfections discovered, be ever week for Ottawa, They take possession'ofan and a patriot ho was opposed to the reopen to China, and Governor of Oregon territory. elegant building which cost ing ol the slave-trade to disunion, ana The New York Express says 4 5 stood by all the bid -cardinal principles of the A mail was recently killed on the Illinois se.nt to vour minds.

In commemoration, of Tlie Hon. John W. of Indiana democratic party. He was in faver of ae-ouirins Cuba, establishing a protectorate Central railroad, while running a hand car whose death is announced, was, ia his day, a man of mark, and' that day has not lon cone over Mexico, and buHding tho Pacific rail He was at the crank, which, in consequence of the high sped attained, was revolving with road. It will be seen that hi position is not exact! identical with that of the opposition by.

He was for many years representative in congress from Indiana, and in that position he bore himstdf so acceptable to the demo great power and velocity when a rope, which south, and tho iron from Missouri and Penn- newspapers throughout the country, who cratic party in the house ot representatives. sylvan. And all over tho broad prairies of was in some manner, connected with the crank, suddenly coiled around his right hand have been so loudly congratulating them-, selves over the result in the Texas election. that they mode him Speaker lor two congress es, wo believe. Xeic YorkrJJag Book.

the West, wool can be profitably produced at low rates. Here, then, where we have an unlimited "ine next position mat yir. imvw field was commissiontT to ho discharged with the Ilalian campaign; I shall distribute a medal to all who took "part in it, and I wish that to-day-you may be the first to wear it. May it Tecalf me sometimes to your memory, and while reading the glorious names engraved thereonlet each exclaim: If France has done so much for a people who is her friend, what would she not do for her own independence I now propose the health of the army. The JijH(7tfr states that the Emperor having decided to retain, for the present, an army of in Loinbardy.

Several corps, which had much distinguished thepieelyes in tho campaign, could not be represented at the ntre of the troops. Latest. Paris, Aug. 17. The Moniteitr of this morning, contains tho following decree: A full and entire amnesty is granted While addressing the students of the Uni in such a way as to wind the arm, almost to the shoulder, around tho shaft, crushing tlie bones of the hand, breaking and mangling the limb in many places, and forcing the shoulder satisfaction to his countrymen, lie followed versity of North Carolina, two or three weeks Mrs.

Partisgtox os Watering Places. "Are you going to any watering place this asked a yoting friend of Mrs. Partington, on one of the rainy days, the present week. She had just put up windows to keep out the damp and disagreeable air, and pulled her hankercliief up over her shoulders to keep off the chill. atering places," she said, With gentle Jap on her boi, tl ih same time hiking at Ike, who was engaged in making a kite of the last Puritan Recorder, thnt the old.dame had laid by for Sunday reading "watering-places I don't think much of now-u-days.

There ain't no need of 'em since the, lucky-motives have run off with the stages hut once, as the old pumps stood by the waywide, under the nmbiguous trees, with a hollow log for the eattle drink out of, it seemed like a horse in a desert. as some of 'em used to say." "My dear madam," said her young friend, "I mean the fiVf.hiona.ble watering where people go to 'speiii the summer." sho replied, that's it, is it? Well, we needn't go awaysfroui honjeto fiatl a watering-place and them that do, depend upon it," and hero she laid her inuuth chfjo to his ear, and spoke in a whisper "they go for something clse'besides' water." She gave him a queer look as she said this. In Zanesrille, Ohio, a few days' since, a 1 ud church member was publicly whipped with a raw, hide, for repeatedly insulting a married lady with diwhonorable proposals. The iridignantJady gave her-husbaml letter that the fellow had sent her, and the result was that fie gQtt his desert. This rascal some time Caleb Cushing, if we remcmbor aright, in that since, President Buchanan said 3 place and not without distinction.

While it bono from its socket. Sach was the power of 'The great curse of our country, which has is to the credit of the federal administration tlie machinery, that though an unusually involved bo many in crime, is drunkenness that our commissioners or ministers to China heavy man, he was thrown bodily over the hnvo been all men of mark, we may add tha It is more dreadful than the pestilence, than the yellow, fever, than the plague, than all Mr. Davis did himself, in his time, as much crank three or four times, and it is feared that his internal injuries from this cause will provo the calamities that visit man. In it we bring on ourselves a greater calamity than heaven credit as any of them. A LADY of this city, desirous of disposing XJL 't fie valuable.

Jewelry to tle best advantage, takes this method of informing the citizens of Rock Island and Davenport that the above Distribution will be-made ander the isptr-' viiii on of a Committee three, to be appoint by the Shareholders. The whole amount of Stock is" $258 00 which will be divided into 129 shiract $2 00 each to he disposed of as the Commjtee appointed by the shareholders may direct. The following -articles comprise the list': One Splendid Gold Watch, valued at $1G5 Fob 40 Bracelet, 20 OB Locket, 25 00 mg, 5 08" Silswr Kaife, i 391 Making a total of 00 of 129 shares com- prising six'magnificent prizes. Should the sale of tickets not be effected moa-1 ey paid therefor, by the respective purchasers, wiS be promptly refunded. The above Prizes will be open for inspection the Jewelry Store of Mr.

Requa, on JUinois street' Tickets can be had at the Boosstore of Dirret C'rampton. au t' Wonderful Development of Ameiicau genuity. MOORE'S THIRTY-DOLLAR DOL'BLE LOCK STITCH. "iSEfOC, MACniXE. i SECURED SKCBJCTtT BT LETTERS PATKVt.

THE advent of this new, most useful as! incomparable Machine, is destined to cream great and decided change in public opinion, apct the subject of Cheap Sewing Machines. We confidently aRsert, and can prove, by a practical demonstration, that thu embraces in ita construction the best combt-nation of scientitic principles to be found Sewing Machine now before the public, regidi of price! With an eye quick to detect the sVl-ficiencies and imperfections of viiier Mr. Moore sought to remedy thetu we feel assured a critical examination of ft beautilul piece of machinery, will at once etu lish it as the only real desfrabe cheap roach in the country, and lar prelerabe to any bif-priced michi now sold: It stws directi'j tra two spools ta bought at the store, without windiug oie- above the machine and one uuif-Death, and. makes the strongest, most eiastie at durable etich, made either by hand or mact-f -ery. It cannot be ripped, though the cotk cut entirey olf every hf inch; The stick f-seses the same elasticity upon thin as thick toods, thereby making it particularAr for articles; that require washing and irv ing.

The'machiaery for feeding the coth is tirey unike any other, and is without doubt lit best pTer constructed. -t i The breaking of needes. a common imi "So acceptably did he discharge the duties fatal. has brought upon its in any form or shape of to- all persons sentenced for political crimen, or of Speaker, that not only men of all parties offenses or those who have been the object of A little boy in Chicago, who was steal in. the house voted him the customary vote of misery.

1 wish, with all my heart, to repeat what has been best eaid, what that speaker said, and. to ask of you all to tako care of that thanks, but even the reporters and corresr ing a ride on the cars, the other day, in at any measures taken for the public safety. The Mmiteur also contains sundry nomina-; pondetits, not apt to agree upon anything, yet tempting to get off, was run over by the re fatal which degrades man to the level agreed on sending him a common letter of the brute, and brings him into disgrace in maunns cars 01 the train, liait-a-dozen or thanks fir his kindness and attention to them the. eyes of the whole more, killing him instantly and mangling him and their needs." the raw" material where wo have easy and cheap access to much that wfc do not where we have ready by rivers and railroads, to the markets of the East, the West, the North" and the South where we have a charming locality in what is acknowledged to be the most healthy region of all the West where we can produc cheap food for millions of people, we can profitably mauufaeture woollens, cottons, stoves and iron-ware of all kinds, carria.cs, agricultural implements, wooden-ware, pottery, and in fact almost every article wanted in a great and growin country. Wool is reduced now in large quantities all over the West, and sent Cast to-be manufactured; wheat, corn, beef and pork are transported along with it to feed the men who manufacture it into cloths the freight on the wool and the brcadstuffs is paid to the East, and freight again on the cloths returned;" agents and commissioners are paid for purchasing and forwarding all these articles, both ways, and profits to all through tiuns to the Senate, including Geu.

Renault and others. Austria. Tlie ministerial crisis is not yet over. A combination, with Count Leothnn at its head had met with so many difficulties that its success is very Tho Count Martinett has refused to accept the TKH-t-foiio of public instruction, arid in Tho Plttsbuig Foai, the journal which ac most horribly. A little daughter of J.

T. Cook, Eq President Buchanan will bo 58 years old quired somuch distinction by its nomination on the 11th of November' next; Vice Presi dent Breckinridge will be 39 years of ago on Tiskilwa, while playing on the railroad track about Ihe depot, a few days since, felf, and the IGth of January next; Lewis Cass ago moved the expulsion of Deacon Cox from rcsard to his acceptance of the ministry of tho car wheels passed over her ancles, crush nearly 77 years old Stephen A. JJouglas was 4G years oiag on the 23d of April last Si his church for acting as Deputy United States ing tkent in a most horrible manner. mon Cameron is in his With year Jcliermm Marshal in the arrest of afagitive slave. "-The ''Rfjmbliti says all thejktle' boys fn Davis is 54 years old Caleb Cashing is in his COth year; Howell Cobb will be 44 years old Buffalo, f-ami the other places in the vicinity the interior, he put in combinations which were rejected, and he had returned to his post of Governor of Cracow, Well informed persona assert that tho cou-stitution which the commission was about to work out-, would be eliiiractcrlzedby the principle of decentralization by tlie establishment of a "representation by prerogatives, represented by the aristocracy all the provinces.

of President Buchanan for notices the fact that three newspapers in Pennsylvania have put at the head of their eolumns he name of John C. Breckinridge fr the Presidency. It adds: The yoong and chivalrio sou of Kentucky has many warm friends in tlie OUi Keystoinj, but we' have our doubtw ss to his ability to carry instructions to the delegation, i which will cast a unit vote at Charleston as heretofore. The friends of the Li ttlo Giant, of Illinois, will, at the proper time, Contest every inch of ground on the Presidential question in? this State. on the.thejth, ol toptember next; William New York City is crowded with strangers, and since the crystal palace year was never so full.

The hotels are full "and over of the Fall who oan fix up a rope, are learn- II. Seward is in his 58th year; Franklin Pierce ine to walk it, a la Blondin. Those who is 54 years old; Kobert i lold btoekton can't got a rope, walk board fences, with any nearly years of age John Charles Free flowing and the most uncomfortable, lodgings mont was 40 years or age on the th of ana piece of board or old stick they can get hold are at a premium. Nino-tenths of all the ary last John Bell ia C2 years old; John whose Land3 they pass. Build mills here, of a3 a balance-polo.

1 strangers are from the north and south, show Crittenden will be 73 years old in September next; Alexander H. Stephens was 47 years -A gentloman from. Kane county, informs tho Chicago Journal that that county will ing that trade from those sections is better than has been expected. old in Jstjtfuary last uamcs JU. Urr was grow this season at least 10,000 bushels of Steamer Sunk.

5 St. Lovis, Aug. SOth. The steamer Duncan S. Carter was sunk in the Missouri River, on Sunday night.

The boat i a total loss, and cargo is badly damaged. No lives were lost. Tho steamer cost dollars, and years old on tho 12th of May last Jesse Bright is in hii 47th year; Augustus and encourage home manufactures and home trade, and the busy hum of spindles, looms and saws the music of heavy hammers and anvils, arid the belching smoke of foundries, would put a different faco upon town and country. Will all this ever be done? We think so. When Not until the menjwho it.

-a i. -i, i Thepenaiori records show the following in relation to revolutionary soldiers who are now pensioners Dodge is about 47 years old; James Shields Chief Justice Taneyj of the United States is 49 years old; saae loucey'is bj years old; Henry A. Wise is in his 53d year llobert pensive fault with most other machines, is entife remedied in tliis: with proper care, oneief wiUast four months. The entire machine was insured for 24,000, principally in Pitts Supreme Court, is in the eighty-third year of Charles Boyd, now of Pennsylvania, enlis M. T.

Hunter is nearly '50 years of aire Ro burs office. ted at Claversack, N. early in the war of his age. ilia eight associates in the Court, The overland California mail, arrived last rife ia constmction. and made ia every reopert tect and.

durable. I' nike other machines, the" i bert Toombs was 49yeara old of the revolution, and served several years under J. WEBSTEPv, have removed their eveninar. There was healthy demand for J. with one single exception, are all three score years and ten, and some of them considerably stock to Sot.

54 and .06, unchansed.1 July lat; Edward Everett was bl years old in April last; John M. Read is over 60 years of age Daniel i5. Dickinson will be 50 years old on the 11 th of September next Horatio Horace Greely had gone to visit Col. Fre exceed that number. ISI.NAI) CITY JIOTEt, BLOCK, mont.

and have fitted up two stores--one for the wholo- On Monday last an Irishman named Mc- A duel between Gwin and Brodrickwas ex. Seymour is about ou years of age Joim Wool is about 65 years of age John Siidell pected immediately after the election. Guire fell from the high bridge of the Central Railroad, near Clinton, a distance of over is in his 6Gth year Nathaniel P. Banks was The Ft, Smith Arkansas Timet, says the Generals" tjates. bchuyler, and Sullivan against the British and Indians was at the battle ot Siiratogaaad surrender of Burgoyne, 4nd ol Stillwater.

Williams entered the service in 179, under Oaf. Jonathan Dim en, of Fairfield was present at the burning of Fairfield and Nor-walk 1 then employed In several expeditions, of which one was to apprehend some torics and noted men, such as locter- Somuei Johnson, who were suspected of holding treasonable correspondence with the enemy. Several were arrested and examined by the 'colonel. Camanehos made two attacks on the Wachita a hundred feet, and was instantly, killed. no dawfer of damaging the article sewed, by aa none is nsed on top of the machine.

It is made large enough for every -description of w-there bein-r a clear space of nine inches is est bv four in height, between the needfe and eurf the machined In beauty of design and mecsj construction, it baa no equal in the comCT' the movements beinft positive, and the fncttos there is not the slightest probability ot its out sf order. It stards entirely upon ita ow its, and needs bo better reference than its f9 works to convince all who see it, that it it most valuable and humanitary invention rf age. i It is oor intention to sell a smart portion of territory by state or couatif upon 11 eqmtaWf lair baais, Asa sf and higby rmnuacralir vestment, has no equa. Kitenaite arraaf. 43 years old last January.

"A The Buffalo JiepubHd relates the followin Caddo, and Delaware Indians; while en route for their new homes, under charge of Indian At last accounts from Sierra Leon agent Belair, instance of sensibility "A young lady not Africa, the yellow fever and small pox were raging, being equally fatal to blacks and lie, and the other for the retail trade, where th.y will ifceep a large and fresh stock of FABIILY GROCERIES of all kinds, which they offer to the public at very low rates. They intend to keep a firsr rlnns estal-linhmentf and such a stock of goods as wHI make it an object for country Merchants. give them a Goods Delivered to any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Thankfuf for the libera patronage they have heietolbre received, they hope by a strict attention to tho wants of the pubic, to merit a continuation of the same. J.

J. WEBSTER. Ji yiiO.fU living over a dozen leagues trom Uuttalo, when at home, but being educated at a fashionable Beminary east of last week received a let A'encxuela. whites. New York, Jtug.

30. Anarrival furnishes The Jonosboro (Ills.) Gazelle says that ter from her mother with tho usual marks of interetittng intelnsenoe from Veneauela. mourning upon it 4lack edged and sealed 1'resident Castro ba been ana com- meats have been, made for the majiutkctsre immense quantities of peaches are now being shipped from that place to Chicago, Dunleith thw th large profits to owners territory, commend the csle rcrus to tha mtteatx peUtl to surrender the Presidency to the constitutional party, after which he was thrown into prison, and a close guard of 100 with blrck.s Sha wss almost overcome, and feinted twice before she could summon' courage to attempt to dispel the fearful suspense that was brooding over her Finally ehe open- of who wish, to make nam nnidlr on a ss capital. We mill send a sample machine, seeurety i mon set over lum, to watch his movements. wjeu, oy MMMtw ouervuo, to any ea tne letter, anu tnereiu wnsien tne in NOTICE vwij tue real i-emic in tuiu arounu jlvuck island, go to work earnestly and systematically to encourage just such a result.

are "largely interested in the growth of the pjace, and more responsible than any other class for a failure to produce the desired result. There was a time when much could have been done towards the building of shops and mills here, but for the largo price asked for grounds on which to build, them. never mind the past let it only be warning for the future, and let our property-holders and business men now sco what can bo dune to fur nish "employment for men, women and and call population and capital to oar city. The encouragement cf industry; will furnish a home markot for the products of tlie soil, which will not be necessarily eub ject to tho fluctuation cf foreign markets; the expense of transportation both ways will bereaved to the producer; the success of home manufactories will stimulate industry and lead to the erection of others; each now establishment put, in operation will add to the yalue of every acre of land in tlie vicinity anl the natural petition, division of labor end increase of capital, will eventually, diminish the cost of the articles i Possibly the farmer might say to the plow-maker, "I can buy the article I am In quest of cheaper at Mr. So and So' a factory, a hundred miles distant The proper reply would be, "yery well, but you niil your will kaya other plows to buy, S.

ime severe fiigting had occurred, resulting oa receipt tx Thirty Doiars. Every machin formation that her brother yonhg man of almost altogether favor of the constitution warranted. Send for a descriptive circuar iH IS heraby given that the undersigned, collector of the city of Rock Island, having receiv arid other points north and east. Four boys who were playing in an exca vation in a Rand bank at Dububue, were missed by' their parents, when it was discovered that the bank had follen upon them, smothering throe to death. 4 The.

Oshkosh i Democrat says over one hundred buildings have been erected on the u. Edward Everett will hate to give The His-tory of the United State a fresh perusal' In his late speech at Jamestown, Virginia, which was settled ta lGpT, by 1 Europeans, mid Uie next attempts at settlement were made by the Piigrim Fathers at Plymouth, thirteen years lator. This is an extraordinary blunder for a ch61ar like Edward Everett to made. A permanent settlement was made at New York In 1014, si years before that of Plymouth. Plymouth was the fourth settlement witlun the United States.

The first settlement was made by the Spaniards at San Augustine, in Florida. The next was at Jamestown, Virginia; the third at New York, and thpor at Plymouth, Mass. alists. The utmost alarm prevailed in the tall partknara. Address ed a warrant for'the collection of taxes, levied by couutry.

The general expectation was that about eighteen had died suddenly from an attack of tlie cholera morbus; she snk down in a flood of while her fair, companions grouped around. Badly endeavoring to console H. C. BURTMA.N, J- 9S Wed Fonrth street, CineinBaU.O: Sole and excuwve agent for the Unued States: Agenta wanted- aug2ti-dlmw3. very sanguinary engagements were about to occur.

3,000 men were under arms at Car accas and resolved to deliver their country the city-'coHneilJof said city, by ordinances of August 22d, 18.09, upon the taxable real and personal estate within said city, for the year 1859, as in said warrant set forth, will attend at the mayor's office, in said city, during a period of thirty uays from the first publication of this notice, to receive the said irom tne ieueraiists or aie in tne aiiempx. her, but vain Foo said she, with a succession of sobs, 'my brother ny tl jar and blessed said she, for the first lime raising her head ebca the sadjicws burnt district in that city, since the 10th of IIC KEIF AMBROTTPE GALLERF, OPPOSITE VEHMOXT HOlXt- taxes. All persona are requested to ca and uiaJte payment within that tiin. A tsr arrived addressing the weeping and sympathizing girls around her 'to think how 'unfortunate i-ad his meemr.hafrm just begin-ninq to color so beautifully 1" There was too THE SUHSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT-ftillv announce to the Ladies and Centlenies Fire. New BEnroRn, Aug.

30. The Railroad depot at Fair Haven, was destroyed by fire to-day. Loss 10,000. Will. Colector of the City of ItocA laand.

augSCtf Rock Island and Vicinity, that he has fitted apt set of Rooms in the house of Mrs. Thos. Bidih and is now ready to AinsworlU's Paiit'flioii Removed. consolation for such poignant woo as this, and the girls left her alone to her cobs And the tender recollections of her dear nd Hay last, and at the past rate of progress, there will not be a vacant lot left ift the course of a month. -j The Galena Advertiser says that both passenger' and freight' business on thef Illinois Central is on the increase at the present time.

1 4A man needs grace to edit a religions paper probably at any time, but especially when he La the The Lancaster Enquirer, a democratic paper printed in Prosiden Buvhunan'n own towi an able 'and infliiontial paper lias nominate! Stephen A. Douglas for the president in 1800; subject to tho decision; ff the Charleston convention. The Inquirer of Aug. 20, know before us, with the name of our distinguished senator at its column-head, and with an elaborate editorial in fcupport cf tio jwsitfon it han taken, Chicago Time, brother, and his pcarcely tinted tobacco rheDr- I HAVE removed -my paial ithop to Bid Ji son's Millwjier I can be fonnj-jn future. All kinds ofVainring, Clazrag, don ia aouiplete order, (tlaxod sash conslwtlr on hXnd.

1 hop to Take Pictures, In th most approved style of the Art. Call and Examine our Work. HENRY FIMCIIEL. TUSTICE OF THE" PEACE. Collections faithfnlly made and promptly1 paid over.

Office at his residence, over Requa's Jewelry Store, Illinois street. ug29 wflttwtf seenro a shnro of public patronage attendmir ta orders promptly, S. AI'S WORTH. Among the base, merit begets envy, among I W. D.

FAT, AttsU- the. coble, emulation,.

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